Linguaskill Business


  • Linguaskill is internationally recognized exams and tests for educational institutions.
  • Linguaskill is globally accepted examination. It is a quick and convenient online test to help in checking the English levels of individuals. Linguaskill is a modular test, which assesses reading, listening, writing and speaking. This gives you choice about the skills you want to assess.
  • It provides fast and accurate results within 48 hours and is easy to administer. Results are aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the international standard for describing language ability
  • The reading and Listening module is adaptive. Questions become easier or more difficult depending on an individual's previous answer.
Test Format
Listening and Reading Speaking
60-85 mins approx 15 mins approx

No. of Questions: Variable (Questions become easier or more difficult depending on an individual's previous answer


Types of questions- Reading tasks
1 Read and select Candidates read a notice, label, memo or letter containing a short text and choose the sentence or phrase that most closely matches the meaning of the text. There are three possible answers
2 Gapped sentences Candidates read a sentence with a missing word (gap) and choose the correct word to fill the gap. There are three or four choices for each gap.
3 Multiple-choice gap-fill Candidates choose the right word or phrase to fill the gaps in a text. There are three or four choices for each gap.
4 Open gap-fill Candidates read a short text in which there are some missing words (gaps) and write in the missing word in each gap.
5 Extended reading Candidates read a longer text and answer a series of multiple-choice questions. The questions are in the same order as the information in the text.


Types of questions- Listening tasks
1 Listen and select Candidates listen to a short audio recording and answer a multiple-choice question with three options
2 Extended listening Candidates listen to a longer recording and answer a series of multiple-choice questions based on it. The questions are in the same order as the information they hear in the recording


In the Speaking module, the examination will be taken with use of computer with a microphone and headphones. Questions are presented to the candidate through the computer screen, and their responses are recorded and assessed by examiners. Results will be available within 48 hours

  • There are five parts to the Speaking module.
  • Length: 15 minutes (5 parts)

The online test can easily administer and invigilate at any time, at any place. All organizations require a computer, internet connection, a microphone and headphones. Our secure Cambridge English Test Portal is used to administer the test simply and conveniently.

Demo Link for Reading & Listening

Demo Link for Speaking